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Bunnies, bunnies and more bunnies!

We are so grateful. With our gofundme getting the traction it has, we have been able to make hundreds more bunnies!

We need more!!! We'd love to continue gifting within UK Healthcare... Pediatric Surgery, Pediatric Optomology, DanceBlue's Hematology/Oncology Clinic, Receptionists, Patients and more! We are having so much fun getting to know the doctor's and their teams. It's a dream come true! Valerie Stewart is still making 1/2 of the bunnies for us right in Stanton, KY! we hope to get more funding to be able to pay her for cost for her time. The other 1/2 of bunnies are made by Julia Quito in New York City. We love our production so much and we are eternally grateful for all of the hard work and love they put into each bunny. We are working hard as a foundation to get more content and behind the scenes of the whole process...coming soon! We are officially now a Non-Profit Organization and we're so thankful! The best reward for work is...more work! We are in love with what we're doing and we feel honored to be able to make these bunnies and find them the best homes ever!!

Thank you UK Healthcare for being the best in the world! Simply the Best! Jaxson, Jacob, Paisley, and myself are extremely grateful to be in your care. Words do not do it justice. Top tier, best in the world at everything. Right here in the heart of the Bluegrass! Cheers to more bunnies!!!!!! We love you!!!

We are looking forward to some upcoming partnerships to evolve....Kendra Scott....and more!





© 2024 by Lucky in Kentucky Inc.

501(c)(3) EIN 99-3860209​

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